More about obstructive sleep apnoea and airmax

What is obstructive sleep apnoea?
Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is a condition that causes interrupted breathing during sleep. In snoring people the muscles and soft tissues in the throat relax and collapse sufficiently to cause a total blockage of the airway; it is called an apnoea when the airflow is blocked for 10 seconds or more. Respiratory arrests can last up to thirty seconds or even more. If more than ten respiratory arrest per hour occur, the condition is referred to as sleep apnea/OSA.


During a respiratory arrest, there is no danger of suffocation. The brain provides, by means of an alarm signal, the snorer with a less deep sleep. This alarm signal causes the tongue muscles and the muscles in the soft palate to tighten. As a result the throat cavity is pulled open, so that there can be breathed normally again. The snorer continues sleeping until the next apnoea occurs. Most people with OSA snore loudly. Their breathing may be noisy and laboured and is often interrupted by gasping and snorting with each episode of apnoea.


To determine whether someone is suffering from obstructive sleep apnoea/OSA an overnight measurement in the hospital is performed during sleep. With electrodes the activity of the brain, the lungs, the chest muscles and the leg muscles is being measured. Besides this the blood pressure and oxygen levels in the blood are registered. Based on the measurements can be assessed how deep someone is sleeping, how many periods of apnoea occur during a nights sleep and how many alarm signals are provided by the brain. There are different possibilities to treat sleep apnoea/OSA.

Symptoms in relation to obstructive sleep apnoea
The repeated interruptions in the sleeping patern caused by OSA can make a person feel very tired during the day. A lot of people with obstructive sleep apnoea suffer from fatigue and/or daytime sleepiness. This does not mean that one is just tired, but that one really unwilling falls asleep while reading in the newspaper, for example, conducting a conversation or even while driving a car. The consequences of sleep apnea/OSA can also lead to dangerous situations. Due to the poor sleeping rhythm one suffers often from a lack of concentration and forgetfulness. A person with OSA will usually have no memory of breathlessness, so they are often unaware that they are not getting a proper night’s sleep.

The positive effects of Airmax® in relation to obstructive sleep apnoea
Airmax® helps people with a mild form of sleep apnoea to breathe more freely through the nose. Should one make use of an oxygen mask, then Airmax® can be combined with this mask without any problems. The mechanical widening has shown efficacy in increasing the airflow, which enables the air to go deeper into the lungs and provides more oxygen.


Over the years, airmax users with obstructive sleep apnoea have shared their experiences with us about the airmax nasal dilator. Check out the experiences of these users.


Airmax® has been studied and tested extensively in scientific clinical research and is proven effective. Airmax ® is available through various pharmacies and in online webshops.


In addition to the positive effects that Airmax® has shown in obstructive sleep apnoea, the product is also suitable for use in other airway related conditions such as: Asthma, COPDpulmonary fibrosisrespiratory allergy, snoring and nasal congestion due to a cold. Do you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to contact us.