
During the past years, multiple independent clinical studies and recommendations have been published about Airmax® nasal dilator.

76% more airflow by use of Airmax nasal dilator

Improvement of nasal breathing and patient satisfaction by the endonasal dilator Airmax (2013)

67% of patients were willing to continue using a nasal dilator

Managing nasal valve compromised patients with nasal dilators: objective vs subjective parameters (2016)

Airmax spreaders showed the best results compared with other types

Effective application of nasal dilators in snoring and mild sleep apnoea (2010)

Considerable reduction of snoring in 74% of the cases

Non-invasive method of snoring treatment and OSAS prophylactic

Airmax also increases nasal airflow with healthy adolescent athletes

Does the Airmax internal nasal dilator® increase peak nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) in adolescent athletes? (2015)

87,5% of the OSAS patients shown reduction in total nasal resistance

Usage of Four-phase High-resolution Rhinomanometry and measurement of nasal resistance in Sleep-disordered Breathing

Airmax nasal dilator is a very useful non-surgical Therapeutic option for patients with nasal obstruction and snoring due to nasal valve pathology.

Recommendation letter Prof. PW Hellings